Monday, January 10, 2011

pro/con lists

you know how when you can't make up your mind about something, someone will give you the bright idea of making a pro/con list. there's only one thing i have to say about that: pro shmo, con shmon.
if you are a naturally cautious or realistic (euphemism for negative) person, it can be quite scary making one of those lists because what if there are more cons than pros even with things that are actually right for you.
for example lets say i am not sure if i should date george. if i were to solve the question simply by making a pro/con list it would go something like this:


he is funny
he has 10 italian restaurants
he is a good kisser
he is kind to me

he picks his nose
he hates my sister
he forgets my birthday
he never gets me flowers
he tells me what to do
he talks about his ex
he argues with cops
he drinks too much coffee

ok so, as we can see there are more cons than pros even though i really like george
SO, just to balance this out i have to make an opposite pro/con list

i get more time to myself
my sis will hang out with me more

i will lose a friend (he's so funny)
i will be lonely & eat all day
no more italian food
no more of his jokes
i will miss the kisses
george will be angry at me for breaking up with him

see... this is SO not a good way to make decisions.
pro shmo, con shmon, i say.